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Moritz Ehrmann


Moritz Ehrmann is Director of the ACP and heads the Conflict Resolution department. He brings to the ACP his extensive experience from varied contexts, including Iraq, Colombia, Jordan, Ukraine, and Yemen, and through his previous work with the International Committee of the Red Cross and as an Austrian diplomat. He began his career with the Austrian foreign service, for which he was most recently deployed to the Austrian OSCE Chairmanship Task Force from 2016 to 2017. Since 2018, he has been engaged in informal international peace mediation.

Eva Huber

Deputy Director

Eva Huber is ACP's Deputy Director and in this capacity is responsible, among other things, for the ACP's cooperation portfolio with the Austrian Ministry of Defence as well as other individual projects. She has a background in political science, African studies, and public international law and more than 10 years of experience working for UN peace operations and agencies as well as NGOs. She has supported peace processes through political liaison, strategic planning, capacity-building, community engagement, and programme coordination. In addition to having headed the ACP´s project portfolio in Sudan and South Sudan, the peace process in Colombia is currently her area of expertise.

Conflict Resolution

Mercedes Corrales

Mercedes Corrales is the Event Support Officer and Junior Project Manager working in the Conflict Resolution Programme. She previously completed a two-year traineeship at the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, following her graduation from the Vienna School of International Studies.

Wolfgang Weilharter

Wolfgang Weilharter is the Project Manager for the project "Communal Peace and Conflict Work in Burgenland". His focus is on the implementation of mediation and dialogue processes on the communal level, in the areas of communal politics, housing and neighbourhoods and local coexistence of people of different origins.


Adham Hamed

Head of Research

Adham Hamed is Head of Research at the ACP. He is a diplomat and peace and conflict researcher and previously served at the German Foreign Office in Berlin, where he worked as Desk Officer for the Protection of Journalists, Media Makers and Free Speech Defenders in Crises and Conflicts.

Fatma Haron 

Fatma Harons is involved in university capacity development as Senior Project Manager. Her transdisciplinary academic background led her to Ankara as a research assistant on the peace process and as a project associate at the Leopold Franzens University Innsbruck. She has also worked on issues of postmigration, social remittances, anti-Muslim racism and identification processes.

Alba Losert

Alba Losert is the Research Assistant of the ACP's university capacity building project. She worked in capacity building projects for education in Addis Ababa, Ramallah and Accra. Her research focuses on epistemic violence and knowledge production. She studied Political Science and Peace and Conflict Studies. 


Capacity Development

Monika Psenner

Head of Capacity Development

Monika Psenner serves as the Head of Capacity Development at ACP, where she provides strategic and operational oversight of the organization's comprehensive training portfolio. This includes spearheading initiatives such as the EU Civilian Training Initiative (EUCTI) and programs aligned with the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) framework. Committed to fostering sustainable peace, Monika actively integrates Environmental Peacebuilding principles into ACP's multifaceted endeavours and advocates for the adoption of the Climate, Environment, Peace, and Security Nexus in both European and global initiatives. Monika's academic background encompasses international affairs as well as crisis and contingency management. Bolstered by her professional foundation in development cooperation and humanitarian aid, she brings a wealth of experience in intercultural network collaboration, leadership, organizational development, project management, and training to her work.

Nathan Coyle

Nathan Coyle is the Senior Project Manager for Peace Tech, he is responsible for all our Peace Tech related activities and digital development. Nathan has partnered with governments across the globe to enhance their digital outreach efforts. He is a Fellow at The Royal Society of Arts in his native Britain and a writer, contributing to publications such as The Guardian. On his publication 'Open Data for Everybody: Using Open Data for Social Good' Nathan did a TEDx talk. 

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Ursula Gamauf-Eberhardt

Ursula Gamauf-Eberhardt is the Senior Project Manager for the peace education portfolio. She is also responsible for the OSCE training programmes. Her thematic focuses include peace education, dealing with the past and the OSCE.

Susanne J. Györög

Susanne J. Györög is the Senior Project Manager of the training section of the cooperation programme with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence and is in charge of managing the the specialisation courses in the framework of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). She brings 30 years of experience to the ACP, including some 20 years of field experience in humanitarian aid, post-conflict recovery, security sector reform in complex emergencies as well as peace missions with additional 10 years experience in development and conduct of specialised trainings in the framework of UN and EU peace missions.

Astrid Holzinger

Astrid Holzinger is Senior Project Manager of the International Civilian Peacebuilding Training Programme and has multiple years of experience with the UN, OSCE and EU as well as the Austrian civil service. Capacity-building, crisis management and programme coordination within the UN Mission in South Sudan, protection of civilians in armed conflict, the promotion of the women, peace and security agenda and international security are among her areas of expertise. She holds a master’s degree in international relations.

Fatou Ndour

Fatou Ndour is Senior Project Manager of the Capacity Development for Humanitarian Assistance in West Africa (HAWA) project. Trained in international relations, international crime and justice, and human rights law, she possesses a vast experience in post-conflict justice. She previously worked for UN entities and NGOs, supporting capacity-building programs and research studies in the fields of human rights (including children’s rights, gender, and migration). Furthermore, has knowledge of the development sector and a good understanding of challenges at the local, national and regional levels in developing countries.

Yerivan Pruscha

Yerivan Pruscha is the Programme Administration Manager for the International Civilian Peacebuilding Training Program (IPT). In this position she supports various trainings for civilian experts in peace building as well as the organization of events of the ACP in Vienna. She previously worked for AST (Contact Point for people who gained professional qualifications abroad) at the Counselling Centre for Migrants where she was managed for processes of nostrification, administration and migration related topics as well as events. She is a graduate of City, University of London, with a M.A. in International Politics and Human Rights and a graduate from FH Campus Vienna, with a M.A. in Social Economy and Social Work.

Sophia Stanger

Sophia Stanger is Junior Project Manager and in charge of the project "Capacity Development for Humanitarian Assistance in West Africa" as well as for training programmes within the framework of the European Union (EUCTI). She is also responsible for the Environmental Peacebuilding sector. Sophia Stanger has many years of experience in NGO work, project management and team leadership, for example in the fields of education, humanitarian advocacy and volunteer missions. Her expertise also lies in the intersection of environment/climate and conflict resolution approaches. Sophia Stanger is also a qualified trainer and has completed a mediation training.

Operational Support

Ilse Divosch

Ilse Divosch looks after the office space in Stadtschlaining..

Sarah Hertwig

Sarah Hertwig is an intern at ACP and supports the organisation of the Austrian Forum for Peace.

Claudia Hofer

Claudia Hofer is Schlaining Events Coordinator and Project Administrative Officer for peace education, OSCE and EU related trainings.

Walter Hofer

Walter Hofer takes care of the ACP buildings with great diligence. His hobby is civil defence, and he uses this knowledge also concerning his activities at the ACP.

Elisabeth Horvath

Elisabeth Horvath is the Finance Manager and accountant in the areas of basic and project financing.

Tina Madl

Tina Madl is PR Manager at the ACP. Her academic background lies in political science and romance studies. She worked for several years in public relations in the cultural sector. 

Martina Tader

Martina Tader is Schlaining Office Manager and Finance Manager at the ACP.



Abdussalam Elbelazi

Abdussalam Elbelazi is Senior Advisor at the ACP, particularly in the area of water and conflict in Libya. Since 2015, he has been an advisor on Libyan affairs at the CMI Foundation, where he acts as a mediator in many cases related to the conflict in Libya.

Mohammad Mahmoud Farghal

Mohammad Mahmoud Farghal is Senior Project Manager for ACP’s Iraq activities focused on mediation and the promotion of dialogue between political actors in the country. He has extensive experience in political, international and humanitarian affairs, having served with the League of Arab States, the  United Nations, the Government of Egypt, and the International Committee of the Red Cross. He holds a degree in Political Science from the University of Ottawa.

Olivia Lazard

Olivia Lazard is dedicated to environmental peacemaking as a mediator and is an advisor at the ACP. She is a fellow at Carnegie Europe. Her research focuses on the geopolitics of climate, the transition ushered by climate change, and the risks of conflict and fragility associated to climate change and environmental collapse.

Augustin Nicolescou

Augustin Nicolescou serves as co-director of the Herbert C Kelman Institute for Interactive Conflict Transformation, a partner of the ACP. He also contributes to the ACP's research and training activities, with thematic expertise in conflict transformation, dialogue processes, the HDP Nexus, conflict sensitivity and Do-No-Harm and geographic experience in Israel, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Central Asia, and the South Caucasus.


Tamra Pearson d’Estrée

Tamra Pearson d’Estrée is a professor of conflict resolution at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver, Colorado, USA, and directs the university’s Conflict Engagement & Resolution Initiative.  Dr. d’Estrée’s research focuses on social psychological dimensions of intergroup conflict, negotiation and resolution, particularly on identity dynamics, framing, and conflict resolution capacity in processes of escalation and resolution. Her work on peacebuilding processes combines research with professional practice in divided societies and communities. She also studies the use of evaluation for the improvement of international, environmental and policy conflict resolution. 

Wilfried Graf

Wilfried Graf is co-founder and co-director of the Herbert C. Kelman Institute for Interactive Conflict Transformation, with which the ACP cooperates in the field of conflict transformation. His areas of expertise include conflict transformation and the facilitation of peace processes with a focus on complexity theory, critical realism, basic needs theories and socio-psychological aspects of peace and conflict. As a scholar-practitioner, he is particularly concerned with the transfer of theoretical insights into practice. 

Wolfgang Hofkirchner

Wolfgang Hofkirchner is retired professor of Technology Assessment at the Vienna University of Technology. His research aims at the transformation of societies into a Global Sustainable Information Society. His approach is transdisciplinary. He edited the first volume of Edgar Morin’s Method in German.

Gudrun Kramer

Gudrun Kramer was Director of the ACP from April 2017 to June 2021. Her thematic priorities include conflict transformation, support for peace processes, peacebuilding in the context of development cooperation, strengthening social and political participation, and psychosocial work.