Building Sustainable Peace and Security in the OSCE Area
As the world’s largest regional security organization, the OSCE has an impressive track record in promoting peace and security, including by strengthening democracy, good governance, and respect for human rights.
In 2018, the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre (CPC) developed the Reference Guide “Building Sustainable Peace and Democracy: OSCE Experiences in South-Eastern Europe”. Building on the lessons and good practices contained in the Reference Guide, this specialisation course seeks to improve the OSCE’s ability to address root causes of conflict and instability through the activities of its executive structures. The course is based on a holistic approach to building and retaining peace and security throughout the conflict cycle. This approach includes wide set of strategies and instruments to address root causes of conflict and instability in a sustainable manner.
25 OSCE staff and mission members (international and national) will be accepted to the training. Due consideration will be given to ensuring a wide representation of OSCE executive structures as well as a gender balance.
The course will build the capacity of participants to identify, develop, and implement structural prevention and peacebuilding activities within their specific contexts. Special emphasis is put on developing tools and enhancing participants’ skills to translate best practices to their respective work environments. Peer-to-peer learning and the exchange of expertise and knowledge will be fostered and supported throughout the course. The course will take a participatory and case-study based approach. A cross-dimensional and gender-sensitive approach will also be ensured.
The course is designed and implemented in close co-operation between the CPC and the ASPR.

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