Online ACP Dialogue Series
Securtiy and Cooperation in the OSCE area: Challenges & Opportunities
In challenging times like these where the pandemic made the crisis of multilateralism obvious, the ACP would like to offer an opportunity for a broader audience to engage in these discussions. So, the idea was born to offer online ACP dialogue series on OSCE, focusing on topics like e.g. looking back at 30 years of OSCE, discussing current issues and activities of engagement of the OSCE, elaborating on the unique chances and opportunities the OSCE as regional organisation offers. Thus, we will be offering free online dialogue sessions where international experts discuss selected topics (45-60 min. input, 30-45 min. discussion and Q&A), moderated by the Directors of the Summer Academy on OSCE. Special thanks go to the Austrian MFA/the Permanent Mission of Austria to the OSCE for financially supporting this online project.
The aim of the online dialogue series is to expand and deepen knowledge about the OSCE by looking at specific aspects, also glancing at what is happening behind the scenes to get an understanding of diplomatic work and the importance of multilateralism. Furthermore, the Schlaining Dialogue series will provide food for thoughts and discussions to explore ways for the OSCE to enhance its existing, or to develop new capabilities in preventive diplomacy, peace-making, peacekeeping and peacebuilding.

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