Summer Academy on OSCE
The „Summer Academy on OSCE“ is organised under the Patronage of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Course open for application
25th Summer Academy on OSCE, 18 - 25 June 2025
Application Deadline: 1 April 2025
Background & Purpose of the Summer Academy on OSCE
In 2025, the Summer Academy on OSCE in Stadtschlaining celebrates its Silver Jubilee. It has trained a generation of diplomats, OSCE field staff and other practitioners in understanding the Helsinki Process and the OSCE, its methods of work and its relevance in preventing and dealing with security threats in Europe. In the process, the Academy has stimulated debate on the OSCE and its work and developed a network of practitioners who have shared the unique Schlaining experience and have retained their interest in the organization.
The war in Ukraine has destroyed the pan-European security order, and created an existential crisis for the OSCE and, more broadly, the idea of cooperative security. in such challenging times, discussing the OSCE and the challenges of rebuilding security in Europe are more relevant than ever, especially in the year the OSCE celebrates its 50th Anniversary.
The 25th Summer Academy on the OSCE will take place at the Austrian Centre for Peace in June 2025.
The executive-level course has adapted to changing circumstances, thus:
- The course will provide a more focused and cost-effective program.
- 1-2 online lictures will provide introduction to the key topics and initiate interaction between the participants and the Academy directors already ahead of the Academy.
- During the programme, there will be less of a focus on the OSCE and its executive structure and a greater focus on how to address security threats and challenges in Europe, and developing the skills to anticipate emerging threats, facilitate dialogue, and manage relations in a highly polarized security environment.
Curriculum & Methodology
The methodology of the Academy is based on lectures, workshops, a study visit to the OSCE in Vienna, completed by background readings. Basic information about the OSCE and its executive structures are made available in advance to help participants prepare for the lectures.
- Lecturers use primarily case study approach and focus on recent developments and activities of the OSCE.
- Working groups give participants the opportunity to discuss the subjects dealt with in the lectures and to further consolidate and apply their knowledge.
- Participants practice communication, mediation and negotiation skills and gain experimental knowledge of different concepts through interactive exercises, such as role-plays and simulation exercises.
- The Academy includes a 2-day excursion to the Hofburg/Vienna to visit the Permanent Council and meet OSCE representatives.
The 25th Summer Academy on OSCE will be implemented in Stadtschlaining and Vienna from 18-25 June 2025.

Requirements and Procedure
The cost of participation will be € 2.500, - per participant. This amount covers tuition, educational materials, and full board accommodation in a single room with bath as well as all expenses linked to social events and excursions of this 7 days-training-event.
For participants coming from non-OECD member states, a limited number of scholarships will be awarded. Applicants who would like to apply for such a support should indicate this in the respective section of the application form and give reasons for that in their application essay. However, there is no possibility to get financial support for travel expenses from the organisers.
Application Requirements
- Master's degree or the equivalent in working experience.
- working knowledge of English.
submission of the application form and the required accompanying materials as soon as possible, but not later than DEADLINE 1 April 2025.
Applicants for admission will be selected on a competitive basis. Preference is given to applicants whose participation is supported by their Foreign Ministry or one of the OSCE institutions. Applicants will be informed on the decision of the admissions committee in May 2025.
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