IPT Specialisation Course on Intersectional Gender Work and Peacebuilding
with Dr. Gal Harmat
Gain knowledge and skills on intersectionality in civilian peacebuilding practices
Course open for application
25 April - 2 May 2025 in Stadtschlaining.
Apply until 5 January 2025 for scholarships. Thereafter applications will be accepted on a rolling basis in case places are still available.
Intersectionality dives deep into the dynamics of discrimination and social justice. Its core ideas emerged from critical race and gender theory as well as social movements between the late 1960s and early 1980, including the civil rights movement and protests against the exploitation of women, especially women of color. Intersectional approaches encourage policymakers and practitioners to consider how multiple aspects of identity (such as gender, race, class, age, sexuality, ability, and belief) intersect and shape societal structures as well as people’s experiences in everyday life. As such, intersectionality also allows us to expand our understanding of collective identities and political action. Moreover, contemporary scholars and practitioners, who base their work on intersectionality, often don’t only seek to analyze social issues to describe the world, but also seek to take a stand against social inequalities.
In societies affected by armed conflict, intersectionality can help us to understand not only the forms of violence people experience, but also the different needs, interests, and views towards what constitutes sustainable peace. Analyzing how multiple aspects of identity intersect and define people’s experience and agency in conflict, leads to a better understanding of conflict dynamics and power relations between actors and groups – thereby enabling more inclusive and sustainable peacebuilding strategies.
Learning Objectives:
The IPT Specialisation Course on Intersectional Gender Work and Peacebuilding follows a practical, innovative, and creative approach to applying an intersectional gender lens to peacebuilding. Through group work, simulations, role-plays, and lectures, participants will become familiar with academic and practical concepts around intersectionality, gender, and peacebuilding and gain an understanding of the complex relationships between identity and power.
During the course, participants will;
- Get familiar with state-of-the-art academic and practical concepts around intersectionality, gender, and peacebuilding.
- Gain an understanding for the relevance of intersectionality and gender analysis in peacebuilding as well as the complex intersections of identity and power.
- Develop the skills to recognize intersectionality and power dynamics in peacebuilding and training settings and learn how to develop alternative, innovative, and creative gender and intersectional practices, based on critical and gender race theories.
- Get equipped with tools to apply principles and methods of intersectionality in peacebuilding and trainings to foster inclusive environments and peace strategies.
- Learn how to translate theories and approaches around intersectional gender work into their own work context.
Course costs: 2.100 €
This amount covers tuition, educational materials, and full board accommodation in a single room in Stadtschlaining as well as all expenses linked to a social event.
Target group
- Professionals working with civil society organizations, international or regional organizations, government institutions, academia, and the private sector, including peace, development and humanitarian aid workers, researchers, lecturers, trainers, and other practitioners operating in countries affected by violence and conflict.
- Practitioners and academics who want to reflect and expand their experiences, insights, and skills in an international and interdisciplinary group-setting.
- People who can act as multipliers in their countries and communities and pass on the knowledge and skills acquired in the course.
A good command of English is a prerequisite and intermediate experience and skills in the practical and/or academic field of peacebuilding are strongly preferred and encouraged.

Senior Project Manager - Astrid Holzinger
E-Mail: holzinger(at)ac4p.at
Project Administration Manager - Yerivan Pruscha
E-Mail: pruscha(at)ac4p.at