IPT Specialization Course on Environmental Peacebuilding
A comprehensive course on the environment, climate, peace, and security nexus
23 November - 1 December 2025 in Stadtschlaining.
Application process to open soon.
Climate change and environmental degradation affect human security in diverse and intersecting ways and can amplify existing conflicts and humanitarian crises.Forced migration, internal displacement, and loss of livelihoods and infrastructure caused by extreme weather events such as floods and droughts as well as competition over natural resources can contribute to political and social instability, increase pre-existing inequalities, and challenge communities’ resilience and peaceful co-existence. At the same time, cooperation on the shared threat of climate change and environmental degradation as well as natural resource management can offer entry points for collective and inclusive peacebuilding initiatives. Environmental peacebuilding recognizes that cooperation on environmental and climate issues can play an important role in preventing and dealing with conflicts.
Learning Objectives:
TheIPT Specialization Course on Environmental Peacebuilding offers a comprehensive training on the environment, climate, peace, and security nexus. Throughout the course, participants will engage in interactive discussions, group work, and exercises to learn how to apply an environment and climate lens to different aspects of peacebuilding work. Among others, participants will:
- Get familiar with the concept of environmental peacebuilding.
- Explore the complex interlinkages between the environment, climate, peace, and security.
- Learn about existing policy and legal frameworks related to environmental peacebuilding.
- Understand the role of different actors and the need for integrated multi-stakeholder approaches in environmental peacebuilding.
- Understand how environmental degradation and climate change can act as threat multiplier and driver of conflict and learn how to integrate these issues into a conflict analysis.
- Understand how to treat environmental and climate issues as connectors and learn how to identify related entry points for peacebuilding.
- Gain awareness on environmental do-no-harm approaches, including one’s own conduct.
Course language: English
Course costs: 2,200 € (covering full-board accommodation)
Target group:
- Professionals working with multilateral organizations, I/NGOs, civil society, local grassroot organizations, academia, or government institutions.
- Peacebuilding practitioners who want to reflect and expand their knowledge and skills in an international and interdisciplinary group-setting.
- People who serve as multipliers in their countries and communities and can pass on the knowledge and skills acquired in the course.
- A good command of English is a prerequisite for attending the course. Prior knowledge and skills in the practical and/or academic field of peacebuilding are strongly encouraged.

Senior Project Manager - Astrid Holzinger
E-Mail: holzinger(at)ac4p.at
Project Administration Manager - Yerivan Pruscha
E-Mail: pruscha(at)ac4p.at
Supported by:
There is no single-dimensional problem, because we do not have a single-dimensional life.
Audre Lorde