Tailormade Courses
Catering to your Needs
Does your organisation need support in learning more about conflict analysis or gender-sensitive programming? Is your staff in need of a security training to prepare for working in crisis regions? Would you like us to work with community members so that they can become effective facilitators of conflict transformation processes when tensions rise up?
We work with an international faculty of practitioners and academics with civilian, military- and police background. We may organise courses for you virtually, in-mission, on-site, within the realms of the ACP and any other potential location. In addition to offering tailored courses, we also offer direct or virtual accompanyment to implement the learnings in the most inclusive, effective and sustainable way possible.
If this caught your interest please do contact us at anytime! We look forward to working with you!

Senior Project Manager - Astrid Holzinger
E-Mail: holzinger(at)ac4p.at
Project Administration Manager - Yerivan Pruscha
E-Mail: pruscha(at)ac4p.at